Sunday, January 29, 2006
The Experiment
WARNING: The following post may make you sick to your stomach. The staff of Keeping up with Kennedy is not responsible for any nausea that may result from reading this entry.I was cleaning out the fridge this weekend. Kennedy was helping me remove the items that usually live in the back because they don't get used often. She was fascinated by the huge jar of pickles that she had never noticed before. She asked me if she could do an experiment on the pickles. She talked of adding tabasco sauce and butter.
I gagged and explained to her that an experiment was more then just mixing stuff together. I told her that you do an experiment to try to prove or disprove a hypothesis. She mispronounced hypothesis with a very cute look on her face. I told her it was a guess or something you think will happen.
Kennedy's first hypothesis: "I think I can make you sick, Mommy."
After a few more attempts she decided that she could turn the sour pickles into sweet pickles because she likes sweet pickles better anyway. The experiment was set for tonight. I used it as leverage to get her room clean.
The first ingredient was 5 cups of pickles juice and one very large pickle cut into small pieces. Then the following items were added:
Several dashes of tabasco sauce
A whole lot of yellow mustard
Sweet relish
Two spoonfuls of salsa
A heaping spoon of diced garlic (like it didn't smell bad enough already)
Three cut up peppers
Fours dashes of soy sauce (which made it a yucky brown color)
A squirt of barbecue sauce
Alot of greek dressing with feta cheese
A slice of bread torn up in small pieces (very gross addition if you ask me)
Brownie crumbs
The last item was one cup of water. Don't ask me how but that last one made it look even worse. Maybe it was just the extended time of looking at the mess? She stirred the mixture up and tried to get me to taste it in between each new item. I tried to stop watching halfway through but I couldn't take my eyes away from the mess.
I am sorry to report that Kennedy was unable to turn sour pickles into sweet pickles by adding various and very random ingredients from the fridge. But to paraphrase Thomas Edison... she didn't not fail, she just found one way not to do it. I just hope that her next experiment smells a little better.
Michelle, 1/29/2006 10:19:00 PM
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Thursday, January 19, 2006

Sorry for taking so long to get this post up. I got a little lazy when it came to the blog. Kennedy had a wonderful Christmas. I think she may have been a little spoiled because of the upcoming divorce. I have to admit to alot of quilt in that area. I was really glad we got to have a nice family Christmas before Shane moved out.
Kennedy and I made sugar cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve. We added a bit of flair, making our very own sandwich cookies by spreading melted caramel between two sugar cookies. Yummy! I found mini carrots at the store that still had stems attached. The bunch I bought had nine. One for each reindeer including Rudolf. Kennedy is not really sure if there is a Rudolf but she thought it would be best to stay on the safe side and include him anyway.
Off to bed to read "Twas The Night Before Christmas" and even though she was excited Kennedy went to sleep pretty fast because she was not feeling well. Shane and I played the waiting game before getting everything ready. Shane had alot of work to do. One of Kennedy's big presents was a bike that had to be put together.
When we knew she was out, I wrapped a few last minute presents while he cursed at the bike. Did you know that kids bikes come without kick-stands? I figure it is because Kennedy's size included training wheels (which Kennedy has not needed for over a year), but still very stupid not to include one.
We finished rather early because I decided not to leave all the wrapping until the last minute like last year. We shut the pocket door to the living room and left a light on for Santa.

Morning came and Kennedy was very excited. We wouldn't let her open the door until we were both there. Santa came of course, leaving a brightly wrapped present the was just what Kennedy wanted. I won't mentioned that she has only played with her
My Little Pony Butterfly Island once since Christmas because I might get a little ticked off. :)
Santa also brought her a new porcelain doll to add to her collection. This time he picked out a fairy with red hair that is sitting on a swing. Very cute! Santa filled her stocking with tons of candy and an orange. She was very excited to see her new bike. She wanted to take it out for ride but we had to stop that idea even though there was no snow outside. It was very cold and she had been sick.
We probably spent an hour opening gifts. After everything was unwrapped, Shane made breakfast while I started putting stuff together. What a pain in the butt that was! Where does Santa get off not having the elves but together all of the little pieces needed to make Butterfly Island work?
Thank you to everyone for all of the wonderful gifts that we received this year. It has been a hard year and next year will be challenging too but we can get though anything as long as we can see Kennedy smile. Merry Christmas!
Michelle, 1/19/2006 09:53:00 PM
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