Keeping Up With Kennedy

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Lady Bugs Everywhere!

While doing some last minute shopping at Home Depot, Kennedy and I found an amazing treasure. A package of lady bugs! The label said there were approx. 1500. We both got very excited and took it home. I was more excited about the aphids the little critters would eat off my rose bushes. Kennedy wanted to keep them all as pets.

The instructions said to release the little ladies in the evening after watering. We got on our swimsuits and watered everthing in sight waiting for the sun to move toward the horizon. When the time came, I cut opened the bag and dumped a bunch in her hand. She loved it! I can't believe she didn't have a single worry about hundreds of tiny bugs crawling on her skin.

I placed the rest of the bugs around the garden and enjoyed watching Kennedy name each bug as they flew off her. It was a wonderful activity and I can't wait to do it again.


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