Keeping Up With Kennedy

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Preparing for Halloween

I tried to talk Kennedy into a Halloween costume but she wouldn't go for it. I saw a whoopee cushion costume in a catalog and I thought it would be so funny. She said she thought it would be weird and started talking about being a cowboy. While we were shopping this weekend, she came across a devil wig with bright red hair and horns sticking out. She fell in love with it. She actually looks pretty good in it.

The plan is that she will be a devil this year and I will be an angel. Then next year we will swap and she will be the angel. I need to start working on the costumes now but I will take a quick shot of her in the wig and post it. She looks so great. I just hope she will keep it on longer than she did the vampire wig I bought her last year.

Monday, September 11, 2006

First Day of School

I know it is a bit late but life has been busy this month so I have not had time to get pictures unloaded from my camera. Kennedy started school on August 28, 2006. She is in the second grade. Her teacher this year is Mrs. Clark. I was very excited after meeting her at the parent teacher conference. I think she is just the free spirit that Kennedy can relate to and I hope Kennedy will learn alot from her. Kennedy picked out her outfit for the first day of school. You can't really see it in the picture but it says "Kiss My Boo Boo" on the front with a picture of Yogi's friend Boo Boo. That is her family nickname so when I saw the shirt I had to buy it.

I have a tradition of always taking a picture of her walking toward the school sign. It usually says welcome back and the date that school started but they didn't not change it this time. I was a bit bummed out but I still took the picture. I am thinking about using photoshop to edit the picture. Is that cheating?

Kennedy was very anxious to get to her class. She didn't want to wait for us. Have I whined about how fast she is growing up lately? I will hold back just in case I am getting annoying. This is a picture of her sitting at her desk. Don't worry, she isn't attending school with face-less aliens. I blurred the faces of the other people just to be safe. She picked out a seat next to her friend from preschool, Evalee(on the right) and her new friend that lives near her Dad's house, Maria(on the left). She has since had to be moved. We all know how much Kennedy loves to chat.

I am very excited for this year. Kennedy still has an immense love of learning and I hope she never loses it. I doubt she will will have it when she is a teenager but what do you expect?

A way to find out what is new in Kennedy's life. Don't miss out on anything. I will try to post something once a week. Please leave a comment. I will read them all to Kennedy.

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